Marina Weather via Weatherlink
All data is now via RF remote. Meteohub data has been discontinued. Weatherlink, CWOP and Wunderground data is via a VUE console and Meteo-Pi Ethernet device emulating WLIP.
Mobile Version
Detailed Summary
Fullscreen View for Rogers City Marina
Davis Weatherlink Map showing local stations.
Zoom in on NE Lower Michigan until you can see both the Marina station and Sunrise Side Weather.
Uploaded data to Wunderground and Citizen Weather Observer Program
Wunderground Link to KMIROGER10CWOP
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CWOP DisplayTime is UTC in the format yyyymmddhhmmss. Most recent is the top observation.
Data via RF link to remote site.
Plots are now from CWOP Station FW1095
Wind and Rain
Wind Vector
Data via Davis 7654 Long Range repeater with Yagi antennas. The large Yagi is pointed at the Davis ISS at the Rogers City Marina, the small Yagi antenna rebroadcasts the signal to my receivers to collect the data.
Note: Signal reception is susceptible to wet foliage between Marina and repeater location. Even high humidity and certain leaf moisture levels can cause loss-of-signal. After the trees between the repeater and Marina have dried out, the signal should return. Sub freezing temperatures are better because ice is an insulator and passes the signal through the foilage. Data synchronization takes some time even when conditions return to normal.
Repeater System Upgrades
Yagi antenna has been upgraded to a M2 Antennas 902-17 33cm with 17dBi gain versus the prior Yagi 14dBi. A shorter coaxial cable has eliminated about 1-2dB of loss. In addition, a new Mini-Circuits ZRL-1150LN+ amplifier has replaced the ZFL-1000GH. The new preamp has 34dB of gain vs. the prior 24dB and has a much better noise figure. The 10dB increase of gain allows the addition of an attenuator and band-pass filter to minimize interference from 750MHz and 850MHz signals. There is still some in-band interference that falls into the 902-928MHz range that Davis uses. The percentage of good packets has increased to more than 80% with this combination of components.
Preamp power has been converted to run off a Bioenno 3Ah battery and charger. This should help avoid loss of signal during reasonably short power interruptions.

Antennas with Repeater and Pre-Amplifier. Black antenna is the 17dBi Yagi pointed at the marina. Top white housing is for the preamp and filters. Bottom white box is the Davis long-range repeater. Large white vertical antenna is the TOA Systems lightning stroke antenna and GPS. Antennas at the very bottom are the mushroom-shaped GPS for the Blitzortung detector and the small 6dBi Yagi antenna from the Davis repeater output. This photo was taken prior to completion of the TOA wiring and the coax cables were temporarily coiled. They have since been routed into the garage.